100 Thayer Street
Inwood, ManhattanListing type:
Lease Break
Posted by:
Tenant Claims:
Got Landlord's Permission
Kind of building:
Rental building
Opportunity to renew:
Brokerage Fee:
The poster of this listing is NOT charging a brokerage fee.
Apartment Tours:
Virtual Live Tours:
Yes, upon request
Pre-recorded video tour:
No details available.
Property Details
•Very large bedrooms and living room
•Corner apt with lots of light in bedrooms
•2nd floor, elevator in building
•Laundry in basement
•Super lives in building
•1 block away from A train
•2 blocks from 1 train
•Views of Fort Tryon Park
•2 large parks, bike trails and lots of restaurants nearby.
•Perfect for families or a couple friends.
Inwood, Manhattan (NYC) Building Address For Rent: 100 Thayer Street, New York, NY, 10040. We are #1 in furnished short term rentals and furnished short term sublets